Monday, August 23, 2010

My First Blog Post

      Okay so I have never had a blog before so I don’t really know the ins and outs and I am currently doing this for fun and to help myself remember books better. So first I am going to give a little back ground information on me and what I am planning to accomplish here.

       I am a 20 year old lady who spent far too much of her life ignoring books. I tend to get into phases where I am so focused on one thing like TV shows that I ignore others… like books, or vice versa. So when the twilight movie came out in November 2008 I went to see it with a friend and fell in love. I decided that I needed to read the books so that December I bought them with Christmas money and read all 4 in one week. But that wasn’t enough so I read them all again and when that still wasn’t enough I decided it was time to start reading books again so that I wouldn’t be so focused on the twilight series any more.

      So since December of 2008 I have read a total of 141 separate books. I have also created a list of 106 titles that I have found interesting and plan on reading and that list is growing faster than I can actually read. So I have started to a blog with the purpose of writing a summary and a review. Allowing me to stop rereading books I have already read in order to remember what happened so I can continue the series when the new books come out. And in the process I hope to entertain myself and the readers that I hope will come to my blog.

So thank you Stephanie Meyer for being my stepping stone into fiction.

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