Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stephenie Meyer’s Novella The Short Second life of Bree Tanner

If you haven’t read and/or watched Eclipse then don’t read this summary because it has SPOILERS. If you have read and/or watched Eclipse then you already know the end and most if this information won’t be new to you.

Bree Tanner was attacked and kidnapped while starving on the streets of Seattle. When Riley, the most gorgeous guy Riley offered her a hamburger her life changed when he took Bree to her who killed her. However Bree’s story didn’t end there, after the worst pain of her existence, she woke up as a vampire. Bree never saw her again but Riley took Bree back to a house with many other newborns. Riley lets them go out on hunting trips at night and only has a few rules: don’t draw attention, and be back to the house before the sun comes up or they would burn to death. Life in the newborn house was rough. There were many different gangs vying for dominance and one wrong move could mean being ripped to pieces. Still, a bright spot comes into her life in the form of Diego another newborn who isn’t consumed by bloodlust and can actually think and communicate. They quickly become attached and it is suggested that they become mates. However things aren’t as they seem. When and unlucky accident causes Bree and Diego to be stuck out side during the day they find out that Riley was wrong about the effects of the sun. Diego who considers Riley a friend decides that they should tell Riley the truth about what happens during the day time. So they follow Riley to a house in the woods where he meets with her while there spying, the Volturi come to talk to Riley and her. The Volturi give her 5 days to get her army together and beat the Cullens or else. Bree and Diego don’t understand this meeting but Diego still want to tell Riley about the ability to walk in the sunlight in hopes that he just didn’t know the truth. Bree heads back to the house so that Diego can tell Riley in a friendly way. Back at the house Bree starts to become friends with Fred who seems to have the ability to make himself invisible and annoying to anyone who bothers him. Since people stay away from freaky Fred she hides near him so that they over look her too. However, Diego never comes back and Riley tells the newborns that this Cullen clan is trying to take their territory from them and that they must go to fight the Cullen’s and Diego has gone with her to scout the area. So training for the fight begins and go on for 3 days at which point Riley tells them that there are 4 days a year that vampires can walk outside during the day and the fourth day is that day so, they are going to attack the Cullen’s during the day for a surprise attack. On the way to Forks they raid a ferry boat for victims before battle. At this point Fred tells Bree that he is running away and wants her to go with him. She wants to but wants to go get Diego first so she says she will be right behind him after getting Diego. She then runs off with the others and into a battle. She shows up late and doesn’t ever really know what happed because it’s over so fast but she realizes that Riley lied and Diego is dead. You then see the scene from eclipse play out from her point of view and she communicates with Edward that the Volturi knew and wanted them to kill the Cullens. She is also greatful that Riley and her (Victoria) were killed. When she realizes the Volturi are going to killer her she hopes that Fred finds the Cullens and that they are nice to him. Then it ends with her closing her eyes before death.

Review: 4.5/5 Pictures, Images and Photos
Okay so I had to read this book because the twilight saga is what got me to start reading again and when I watched eclipse I decided that I wanted to know more about what was going on in Seattle and the deception of the Volturi. This was defiantly a good read and it only took me 4 hours to finish it. It introduced new characters that were “classic” vampires but also weren’t evil but just living a normal vampire life feeding off “street scum”. I very much enjoyed the main characters in this novella and found myself growing attached even as the end drew near. I didn’t cry because I knew what was coming however it was sad and if it had been a surprise I probably would have. I found my heart breaking with Bree’s when she worried about Diego even though I knew what happened to begin with. I wish that the story would have had more time with Diego and Bree together however since there was no happy ending for those two it might have been a good thing I didn’t get it. I think this was great character development on Stephenie Meyer’s part and I hope we learn more about Fred’s life. If you enjoyed the twilight books you will defiantly love this and will want to read it. If you arnt a twilight person you might still like it even if you don’t have all the back ground and meaning from the original saga. Over all GREAT book and I hope to see more from the twilight universe not involving Bella and Edward.

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